O n e W o r l d o f W o n d e r, LLC.
Emanuel William Fludd
Linux/Android/Windows Server/FreeBSD/OSX Software Programmer
MySQL/PostgreSQL Database Architect and Manager
Audio/Video Producer/Director
Marketing and Graphic Design
Internet/WWW/Open Source Design and Programming
Software, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, Design
Decentralized Dynamic IP-Address Resolve/Lookup System for the World to share HyperText Universal Resource Locators
Where the rise of Social Networks; the key function of which can be abridged into a simple link-sharing paradigm. With massive investments in centralized service providers and political leanings of such organizations taking a toll on their respective user-bases it has become increasingly apparent for a need to move away from centralized architecture. This is just a natural reflex of innovation itself and in no way acts as a method to compete with said services.
If we take away what we have learned from the Social Networking experiment it is simply that Link Sharing is the true innovation of these services. With the concept of HashTags, HyperText URL Sharing, et. all. taking the lead as the crux of these services. Aside from their insatiable Network Effect building their communities the fact remains they do not OWN those users or communities. These Social Network web-sites are simply borrowing their member's relationships and rendering as commodity.
The time has come to actually derrive useful modes of exchange in a decentralized way to swing the power back into the hands of the true technology companies providing access to Internet Services and out of these walled off gardens called Social Networks. This RFC Paper serves as a starting point for this discussion.
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Please contact Col. Emanuel William Fludd
Phone: 1 (202) 888 - 1173 [USA]